Dominance-based Rough Set Approach, basic ideas and main trends
Błaszczyński, Jerzy, Greco, Salvatore, Matarazzo, Benedetto, Szeląg, Marcin
– Artificial Intelligence
Among the many merits of Roman Słowiński in his so long and so rich scientific carrier, we have to consider his pioneering approach to the use of artificial intelligence methodologies to decision support, and, in particular, to Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) (for an updated state of the art see [48]). In this perspective, the proposal and the development of the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) is a cornerstone in the domain. The DRSA basic idea of a decision support procedure based on a decision model expressed in natural language and obtained from simple preference information in terms of exemplary decisions has attracted the interest of experts and it is now considered one of the three main approaches to MCDA, together with the classical Multiple Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) [58] and the outranking approach [75]. In fact, DRSA is not a mere application to MCDA of concepts and tools already proposed and developed in the domain of artificial intelligence, knowledge discovery, data mining and machine learning. Indeed, consideration of preference orders typical for MCDA problems required a reformulation of many important concepts and methodologies, so that DRSA became a methodology viable and interesting per se also in these domains. Consequently, after more or less 25 years from the proposal of DRSA, we try to present a first assessment taking into consideration the basic ideas and the main developments. Artificial Intelligence