Neural Information Processing Systems
Regularized EM Algorithms: A Unified Framework and Statistical Guarantees
Latent models are a fundamental modeling tool in machine learning applications, but they present significant computational and analytical challenges. The popular EM algorithm and its variants, is a much used algorithmic tool; yet our rigorous understanding of its performance is highly incomplete. Recently, work in [1] has demonstrated that for an important class of problems, EM exhibits linear local convergence. In the high-dimensional setting, however, the M-step may not be well defined. We address precisely this setting through a unified treatment using regularization.
Most Activation Functions Can Win the Lottery Without Excessive Depth
The strong lottery ticket hypothesis has highlighted the potential for training deep neural networks by pruning, which has inspired interesting practical and theoretical insights into how neural networks can represent functions. For networks with ReLU activation functions, it has been proven that a target network with depth L can be approximated by the subnetwork of a randomly initialized neural network that has double the target's depth 2L and is wider by a logarithmic factor. We show that a depth L 1 is sufficient. This result indicates that we can expect to find lottery tickets at realistic, commonly used depths while only requiring logarithmic overparametrization. Our novel construction approach applies to a large class of activation functions and is not limited to ReLUs.
Regression with reject option and application to kNN
We investigate the problem of regression where one is allowed to abstain from predicting. We refer to this framework as regression with reject option as an extension of classification with reject option. In this context, we focus on the case where the rejection rate is fixed and derive the optimal rule which relies on thresholding the conditional variance function. We provide a semi-supervised estimation procedure of the optimal rule involving two datasets: a first labeled dataset is used to estimate both regression function and conditional variance function while a second unlabeled dataset is exploited to calibrate the desired rejection rate. The resulting predictor with reject option is shown to be almost as good as the optimal predictor with reject option both in terms of risk and rejection rate.
DualNet: Continual Learning, Fast and Slow
According to Complementary Learning Systems (CLS) theory \cite{mcclelland1995there} in neuroscience, humans do effective \emph{continual learning} through two complementary systems: a fast learning system centered on the hippocampus for rapid learning of the specifics and individual experiences, and a slow learning system located in the neocortex for the gradual acquisition of structured knowledge about the environment. Motivated by this theory, we propose a novel continual learning framework named DualNet", which comprises a fast learning system for supervised learning of pattern-separated representation from specific tasks and a slow learning system for unsupervised representation learning of task-agnostic general representation via a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) technique. The two fast and slow learning systems are complementary and work seamlessly in a holistic continual learning framework. Our extensive experiments on two challenging continual learning benchmarks of CORE50 and miniImageNet show that DualNet outperforms state-of-the-art continual learning methods by a large margin.
On the universality of deep learning
This paper shows that deep learning, i.e., neural networks trained by SGD, can learn in polytime any function class that can be learned in polytime by some algorithm, including parities. This universal result is further shown to be robust, i.e., it holds under possibly poly-noise on the gradients, which gives a separation between deep learning and statistical query algorithms, as the latter are not comparably universal due to cases like parities. This also shows that SGD-based deep learning does not suffer from the limitations of the perceptron discussed by Minsky-Papert '69. The paper further complement this result with a lower-bound on the generalization error of descent algorithms, which implies in particular that the robust universality breaks down if the gradients are averaged over large enough batches of samples as in full-GD, rather than fewer samples as in SGD.
Large-batch Optimization for Dense Visual Predictions: Training Faster R-CNN in 4.2 Minutes
Training a large-scale deep neural network in a large-scale dataset is challenging and time-consuming. The recent breakthrough of large-batch optimization is a promising way to tackle this challenge. However, although the current advanced algorithms such as LARS and LAMB succeed in classification models, the complicated pipelines of dense visual predictions such as object detection and segmentation still suffer from the heavy performance drop in the large-batch training regime. To address this challenge, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm, named Adaptive Gradient Variance Modulator (AGVM), which can train dense visual predictors with very large batch size, enabling several benefits more appealing than prior arts. Firstly, AGVM can align the gradient variances between different modules in the dense visual predictors, such as backbone, feature pyramid network (FPN), detection, and segmentation heads.
Lifelong Learning with Non-i.i.d. Tasks
In this work we aim at extending theoretical foundations of lifelong learning. Previous work analyzing this scenario is based on the assumption that the tasks are sampled i.i.d. Instead we study two scenarios when lifelong learning is possible, even though the observed tasks do not form an i.i.d. In the first case we prove a PAC-Bayesian theorem, which can be seen as a direct generalization of the analogous previous result for the i.i.d. For the second scenario we propose to learn an inductive bias in form of a transfer procedure.
Causal Effect Regularization: Automated Detection and Removal of Spurious Correlations
In many classification datasets, the task labels are spuriously correlated with some input attributes. Classifiers trained on such datasets often rely on these attributes for prediction, especially when the spurious correlation is high, and thus fail togeneralize whenever there is a shift in the attributes' correlation at deployment. If we assume that the spurious attributes are known a priori, several methods have been proposed to learn a classifier that is invariant to the specified attributes. However, in real-world data, information about spurious attributes is typically unavailable. Therefore, we propose a method that automatically identifies spurious attributes by estimating their causal effect on the label and then uses a regularization objective to mitigate the classifier's reliance on them.
The Complete Lasso Tradeoff Diagram
A fundamental problem in high-dimensional regression is to understand the tradeoff between type I and type II errors or, equivalently, false discovery rate (FDR) and power in variable selection. To address this important problem, we offer the first complete diagram that distinguishes all pairs of FDR and power that can be asymptotically realized by the Lasso from the remaining pairs, in a regime of linear sparsity under random designs. The tradeoff between the FDR and power characterized by our diagram holds no matter how strong the signals are. In particular, our results complete the earlier Lasso tradeoff diagram in previous literature by recognizing two simple constraints on the pairs of FDR and power. The improvement is more substantial when the regression problem is above the Donoho-Tanner phase transition.
Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity
Task progress is intuitive and readily available task information that can guide an agent closer to the desired goal. Furthermore, a task progress estimator can generalize to new situations. From this intuition, we propose a simple yet effective imitation learning from observation method for a goal-directed task using a learned goal proximity function as a task progress estimator for better generalization to unseen states and goals. We obtain this goal proximity function from expert demonstrations and online agent experience, and then use the learned goal proximity as a dense reward for policy training. We demonstrate that our proposed method can robustly generalize compared to prior imitation learning methods on a set of goal-directed tasks in navigation, locomotion, and robotic manipulation, even with demonstrations that cover only a part of the states.