
Collaborating Authors

 Inductive Learning

Adversarial Unlearning: Reducing Confidence Along Adversarial Directions

Neural Information Processing Systems

Supervised learning methods trained with maximum likelihood objectives often overfit on training data. Most regularizers that prevent overfitting look to increase confidence on additional examples (e.g., data augmentation, adversarial training), or reduce it on training data (e.g., label smoothing). In this work we propose a complementary regularization strategy that reduces confidence on self-generated examples. The method, which we call RCAD (Reducing Confidence along Adversarial Directions), aims to reduce confidence on out-of-distribution examples lying along directions adversarially chosen to increase training loss. In contrast to adversarial training, RCAD does not try to robustify the model to output the original label, but rather regularizes it to have reduced confidence on points generated using much larger perturbations than in conventional adversarial training.

Estimating Training Data Influence by Tracing Gradient Descent

Neural Information Processing Systems

We introduce a method called TracIn that computes the influence of a training example on a prediction made by the model. The idea is to trace how the loss on the test point changes during the training process whenever the training example of interest was utilized. We provide a scalable implementation of TracIn via: (a) a first-order gradient approximation to the exact computation, (b) saved checkpoints of standard training procedures, and (c) cherry-picking layers of a deep neural network. In contrast with previously proposed methods, TracIn is simple to implement; all it needs is the ability to work with gradients, checkpoints, and loss functions. It applies to any machine learning model trained using stochastic gradient descent or a variant of it, agnostic of architecture, domain and task.

Measures of Information Reflect Memorization Patterns

Neural Information Processing Systems

Neural networks are known to exploit spurious artifacts (or shortcuts) that co-occur with a target label, exhibiting heuristic memorization. On the other hand, networks have been shown to memorize training examples, resulting in example-level memorization. These kinds of memorization impede generalization of networks beyond their training distributions. Detecting such memorization could be challenging, often requiring researchers to curate tailored test sets. In this work, we hypothesize--and subsequently show--that the diversity in the activation patterns of different neurons is reflective of model generalization and memorization.

Unifying Activation- and Timing-based Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Networks

Neural Information Processing Systems

For the gradient computation across the time domain in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) training, two different approaches have been independently studied. The first is to compute the gradients with respect to the change in spike activation (activation-based methods), and the second is to compute the gradients with respect to the change in spike timing (timing-based methods). In this work, we present a comparative study of the two methods and propose a new supervised learning method that combines them. The proposed method utilizes each individual spike more effectively by shifting spike timings as in the timing-based methods as well as generating and removing spikes as in the activation-based methods. Experimental results showed that the proposed method achieves higher performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency than the previous approaches.

Algorithmic Stability and Uniform Generalization

Neural Information Processing Systems

One of the central questions in statistical learning theory is to determine the conditions under which agents can learn from experience. This includes the necessary and sufficient conditions for generalization from a given finite training set to new observations. In this paper, we prove that algorithmic stability in the inference process is equivalent to uniform generalization across all parametric loss functions. We provide various interpretations of this result. For instance, a relationship is proved between stability and data processing, which reveals that algorithmic stability can be improved by post-processing the inferred hypothesis or by augmenting training examples with artificial noise prior to learning.

On-the-Job Learning with Bayesian Decision Theory

Neural Information Processing Systems

Our goal is to deploy a high-accuracy system starting with zero training examples. We consider an "on-the-job" setting, where as inputs arrive, we use real-time crowdsourcing to resolve uncertainty where needed and output our prediction when confident. As the model improves over time, the reliance on crowdsourcing queries decreases. We cast our setting as a stochastic game based on Bayesian decision theory, which allows us to balance latency, cost, and accuracy objectives in a principled way. Computing the optimal policy is intractable, so we develop an approximation based on Monte Carlo Tree Search.

3D Self-Supervised Methods for Medical Imaging

Neural Information Processing Systems

Self-supervised learning methods have witnessed a recent surge of interest after proving successful in multiple application fields. In this work, we leverage these techniques, and we propose 3D versions for five different self-supervised methods, in the form of proxy tasks. Our methods facilitate neural network feature learning from unlabeled 3D images, aiming to reduce the required cost for expert annotation. The developed algorithms are 3D Contrastive Predictive Coding, 3D Rotation prediction, 3D Jigsaw puzzles, Relative 3D patch location, and 3D Exemplar networks. Our experiments show that pretraining models with our 3D tasks yields more powerful semantic representations, and enables solving downstream tasks more accurately and efficiently, compared to training the models from scratch and to pretraining them on 2D slices.

Pointer Networks

Neural Information Processing Systems

We introduce a new neural architecture to learn the conditional probability of an output sequence with elements that arediscrete tokens corresponding to positions in an input sequence.Such problems cannot be trivially addressed by existent approaches such as sequence-to-sequence and Neural Turing Machines,because the number of target classes in eachstep of the output depends on the length of the input, which is variable.Problems such as sorting variable sized sequences, and various combinatorialoptimization problems belong to this class. It differs from the previous attentionattempts in that, instead of using attention to blend hidden units of anencoder to a context vector at each decoder step, it uses attention asa pointer to select a member of the input sequence as the output. We call this architecture a Pointer Net (Ptr-Net).We show Ptr-Nets can be used to learn approximate solutions to threechallenging geometric problems -- finding planar convex hulls, computingDelaunay triangulations, and the planar Travelling Salesman Problem-- using training examples alone. Ptr-Nets not only improve oversequence-to-sequence with input attention, butalso allow us to generalize to variable size output dictionaries.We show that the learnt models generalize beyond the maximum lengthsthey were trained on. We hope our results on these taskswill encourage a broader exploration of neural learning for discreteproblems.

Graph Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning

Neural Information Processing Systems

This paper studies a long-standing problem of learning the representations of a whole graph without human supervision. The recent self-supervised learning methods train models to be invariant to the transformations (views) of the inputs. However, designing these views requires the experience of human experts. Inspired by adversarial training, we propose an adversarial self-supervised learning (\texttt{GASSL}) framework for learning unsupervised representations of graph data without any handcrafted views. Our method optimizes the min-max problem and utilizes a gradient accumulation strategy to accelerate the training process.

NUWA-Infinity: Autoregressive over Autoregressive Generation for Infinite Visual Synthesis

Neural Information Processing Systems

Infinite visual synthesis aims to generate high-resolution images, long-duration videos, and even visual generation of infinite size. Some recent work tried to solve this task by first dividing data into processable patches and then training the models on them without considering the dependencies between patches. However, since they fail to model global dependencies between patches, the quality and consistency of the generation can be limited. To address this issue, we propose NUWA-Infinity, a patch-level \emph{ render-and-optimize''} strategy for infinite visual synthesis. Given a large image or a long video, NUWA-Infinity first splits it into non-overlapping patches and uses the ordered patch chain as a complete training instance, a rendering model autoregressively predicts each patch based on its contexts.