Pattern Recognition
5 Google Lens tricks to level up your image search
Google Lens has been around for some time now, so it's easy to forget just how useful this tool can be. From identifying a strange plant in your yard to translating a street sign, you can learn more about nearly anything you see. If you're new to the image search app or just haven't used it in a while, here's how to get the most out of Google Lens. Point and ask in real life: Curious about something in front of you? Point your camera and snap a photo while using the Lens app, and you'll see an AI overview giving you information plus links to find out more.
A comprehensive survey of oracle character recognition: challenges, benchmarks, and beyond
Li, Jing, Chi, Xueke, Wang, Qiufeng, Wang, Dahan, Huang, Kaizhu, Liu, Yongge, Liu, Cheng-lin
Oracle character recognition-an analysis of ancient Chinese inscriptions found on oracle bones-has become a pivotal field intersecting archaeology, paleography, and historical cultural studies. Traditional methods of oracle character recognition have relied heavily on manual interpretation by experts, which is not only labor-intensive but also limits broader accessibility to the general public. With recent breakthroughs in pattern recognition and deep learning, there is a growing movement towards the automation of oracle character recognition (OrCR), showing considerable promise in tackling the challenges inherent to these ancient scripts. However, a comprehensive understanding of OrCR still remains elusive. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic and structured survey of the current landscape of OrCR research. We commence by identifying and analyzing the key challenges of OrCR. Then, we provide an overview of the primary benchmark datasets and digital resources available for OrCR. A review of contemporary research methodologies follows, in which their respective efficacies, limitations, and applicability to the complex nature of oracle characters are critically highlighted and examined. Additionally, our review extends to ancillary tasks associated with OrCR across diverse disciplines, providing a broad-spectrum analysis of its applications. We conclude with a forward-looking perspective, proposing potential avenues for future investigations that could yield significant advancements in the field.
TS-ACL: A Time Series Analytic Continual Learning Framework for Privacy-Preserving and Class-Incremental Pattern Recognition
Fan, Kejia, Li, Jiaxu, Lai, Songning, Lv, Linpu, Liu, Anfeng, Tang, Jianheng, Song, Houbing Herbert, Yue, Yutao, Zhuang, Huiping
Class-incremental pattern recognition in time series is a significant problem, which aims to learn from continually arriving streaming data examples with incremental classes. A primary challenge in this problem is catastrophic forgetting, where the incorporation of new data samples causes the models to forget previously learned information. While the replay-based methods achieve promising results by storing historical data to address catastrophic forgetting, they come with the invasion of data privacy. On the other hand, the exemplar-free methods preserve privacy but suffer from significantly decreased accuracy. To address these challenges, we proposed TS-ACL, a novel Time Series Analytic Continual Learning framework for privacy-preserving and class-incremental pattern recognition. Identifying gradient descent as the root of catastrophic forgetting, TS-ACL transforms each update of the model into a gradient-free analytical learning process with a closed-form solution. By leveraging a pre-trained frozen encoder for embedding extraction, TS-ACL only needs to recursively update an analytic classifier in a lightweight manner. This way, TS-ACL simultaneously achieves non-forgetting, privacy preservation, and lightweight consumption, making it widely suitable for various applications, particularly in edge computing scenarios. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets confirm the superior and robust performance of TS-ACL compared to existing advanced methods. Code is available at
Scalable Sampling for High Utility Patterns
Discovering valuable insights from data through meaningful associations is a crucial task. However, it becomes challenging when trying to identify representative patterns in quantitative databases, especially with large datasets, as enumeration-based strategies struggle due to the vast search space involved. To tackle this challenge, output space sampling methods have emerged as a promising solution thanks to its ability to discover valuable patterns with reduced computational overhead. However, existing sampling methods often encounter limitations when dealing with large quantitative database, resulting in scalability-related challenges. In this work, we propose a novel high utility pattern sampling algorithm and its on-disk version both designed for large quantitative databases based on two original theorems. Our approach ensures both the interactivity required for user-centered methods and strong statistical guarantees through random sampling. Thanks to our method, users can instantly discover relevant and representative utility pattern, facilitating efficient exploration of the database within seconds. To demonstrate the interest of our approach, we present a compelling use case involving archaeological knowledge graph sub-profiles discovery. Experiments on semantic and none-semantic quantitative databases show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the art methods.
Hespi: A pipeline for automatically detecting information from hebarium specimen sheets
Turnbull, Robert, Fitzgerald, Emily, Thompson, Karen, Birch, Joanne L.
Specimen associated biodiversity data are sought after for biological, environmental, climate, and conservation sciences. A rate shift is required for the extraction of data from specimen images to eliminate the bottleneck that the reliance on human-mediated transcription of these data represents. We applied advanced computer vision techniques to develop the `Hespi' (HErbarium Specimen sheet PIpeline), which extracts a pre-catalogue subset of collection data on the institutional labels on herbarium specimens from their digital images. The pipeline integrates two object detection models; the first detects bounding boxes around text-based labels and the second detects bounding boxes around text-based data fields on the primary institutional label. The pipeline classifies text-based institutional labels as printed, typed, handwritten, or a combination and applies Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) for data extraction. The recognized text is then corrected against authoritative databases of taxon names. The extracted text is also corrected with the aide of a multimodal Large Language Model (LLM). Hespi accurately detects and extracts text for test datasets including specimen sheet images from international herbaria. The components of the pipeline are modular and users can train their own models with their own data and use them in place of the models provided.
Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models
We propose a new class of implicit networks, the multiscale deep equilibrium model (MDEQ), suited to large-scale and highly hierarchical pattern recognition domains. An MDEQ directly solves for and backpropagates through the equilibrium points of multiple feature resolutions simultaneously, using implicit differentiation to avoid storing intermediate states (and thus requiring only O(1) memory consumption). These simultaneously-learned multi-resolution features allow us to train a single model on a diverse set of tasks and loss functions, such as using a single MDEQ to perform both image classification and semantic segmentation. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach on two large-scale vision tasks: ImageNet classification and semantic segmentation on high-resolution images from the Cityscapes dataset. In both settings, MDEQs are able to match or exceed the performance of recent competitive computer vision models: the first time such performance and scale have been achieved by an implicit deep learning approach.
Few-Shot Adversarial Domain Adaptation
Saeid Motiian, Quinn Jones, Seyed Iranmanesh, Gianfranco Doretto
This work provides a framework for addressing the problem of supervised domain adaptation with deep models. The main idea is to exploit adversarial learning to learn an embedded subspace that simultaneously maximizes the confusion between two domains while semantically aligning their embedding. The supervised setting becomes attractive especially when there are only a few target data samples that need to be labeled. In this few-shot learning scenario, alignment and separation of semantic probability distributions is difficult because of the lack of data. We found that by carefully designing a training scheme whereby the typical binary adversarial discriminator is augmented to distinguish between four different classes, it is possible to effectively address the supervised adaptation problem. In addition, the approach has a high "speed" of adaptation, i.e. it requires an extremely low number of labeled target training samples, even one per category can be effective. We then extensively compare this approach to the state of the art in domain adaptation in two experiments: one using datasets for handwritten digit recognition, and one using datasets for visual object recognition.
Connectionist Temporal Classification with Maximum Entropy Regularization
Hu Liu, Sheng Jin, Changshui Zhang
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is an objective function for end-toend sequence learning, which adopts dynamic programming algorithms to directly learn the mapping between sequences. CTC has shown promising results in many sequence learning applications including speech recognition and scene text recognition. However, CTC tends to produce highly peaky and overconfident distributions, which is a symptom of overfitting. To remedy this, we propose a regularization method based on maximum conditional entropy which penalizes peaky distributions and encourages exploration. We also introduce an entropybased pruning method to dramatically reduce the number of CTC feasible paths by ruling out unreasonable alignments. Experiments on scene text recognition show that our proposed methods consistently improve over the CTC baseline without the need to adjust training settings.
Understanding with toy surrogate models in machine learning
Unlike regular models, these very simple models--often referred to as toy models--are not required to be linked to the real world through structural similarity or resemblance relations. They are not meant to be approximations of the target world system, and in some cases, they are not even required to be representational. In semantic terms, they do not accurately map onto their targets. Despite these limitations, they are still useful in understanding theoretical concepts and possible configurations of the target system. Paradigmatic examples of toy models include Boyle's law and the Ising model in physics, the Lotka-Volterra model in population ecology, and the Schelling model in the social sciences (Weisberg, 2013). In recent years, philosophers of science have become interested in toy models (Grüne-Yanoff, 2009; Luczak, 2017; Reutlinger et al., 2018; Frigg & Nguyen, 2017; Nguyen, 2020). The main purpose of this literature is to explore the nature of these models and examine how they perform their epistemic function. Despite lacking the regular descriptive and predictive features of full-scale scientific models, they often offer an elementary understanding of a phenomenon. Their definitions of "toy model" differ as well as their assessment of the importance of representation in modelling generally, but they all agree that toy models play an important epistemic role in scientific research, exploration, and pedagogy.
Bilevel Distance Metric Learning for Robust Image Recognition
Jie Xu, Lei Luo, Cheng Deng, Heng Huang
Metric learning, aiming to learn a discriminative Mahalanobis distance matrix M that can effectively reflect the similarity between data samples, has been widely studied in various image recognition problems. Most of the existing metric learning methods input the features extracted directly from the original data in the preprocess phase. What's worse, these features usually take no consideration of the local geometrical structure of the data and the noise that exists in the data, thus they may not be optimal for the subsequent metric learning task. In this paper, we integrate both feature extraction and metric learning into one joint optimization framework and propose a new bilevel distance metric learning model. Specifically, the lower level characterizes the intrinsic data structure using graph regularized sparse coefficients, while the upper level forces the data samples from the same class to be close to each other and pushes those from different classes far away. In addition, leveraging the KKT conditions and the alternating direction method (ADM), we derive an efficient algorithm to solve the proposed new model. Extensive experiments on various occluded datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method.