Reinforcement Learning
Reevaluating Google's Reinforcement Learning for IC Macro Placement
A 2021 paper in Nature by Mirhoseini et al.30 about the use of reinforcement learning (RL) in the physical design of silicon chips raised eyebrows, drew critical media coverage, and stirred up controversy due to poorly documented claims. The paper, authored by Google researchers, withheld critical methodological steps, and most inputs needed to reproduce its results. Our meta-analysis shows how two separate evaluations filled in the gaps and demonstrated that Google RL lags behind human chip designers, a well-known algorithm (simulated annealing), and generally available commercial software, while also being slower. Crosschecked data indicates that the integrity of the Nature paper is substantially undermined, owing to errors in conduct, analysis, and reporting. Before publishing, Google rebuffed internal allegations of fraud which still stand.
Towards Minimax Optimal Reinforcement Learning in Factored Markov Decision Processes
We study minimax optimal reinforcement learning in episodic factored Markov decision processes (FMDPs), which are MDPs with conditionally independent transition components. Assuming the factorization is known, we propose two model-based algorithms. The first one achieves minimax optimal regret guarantees for a rich class of factored structures, while the second one enjoys better computational complexity with a slightly worse regret. A key new ingredient of our algorithms is the design of a bonus term to guide exploration. We complement our algorithms by presenting several structure dependent lower bounds on regret for FMDPs that reveal the difficulty hiding in the intricacy of the structures.
Reinforcement Learning with Augmented Data
Learning from visual observations is a fundamental yet challenging problem in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Although algorithmic advances combined with convolutional neural networks have proved to be a recipe for success, current methods are still lacking on two fronts: (a) data-efficiency of learning and (b) generalization to new environments. To this end, we present Reinforcement Learning with Augmented Data (RAD), a simple plug-and-play module that can enhance most RL algorithms. We perform the first extensive study of general data augmentations for RL on both pixel-based and state-based inputs, and introduce two new data augmentations - random translate and random amplitude scale. We show that augmentations such as random translate, crop, color jitter, patch cutout, random convolutions, and amplitude scale can enable simple RL algorithms to outperform complex state-of-the-art methods across common benchmarks.
Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Neural ODEs
We present two elegant solutions for modeling continuous-time dynamics, in a novel model-based reinforcement learning (RL) framework for semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs), using neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Our models accurately characterize continuous-time dynamics and enable us to develop high-performing policies using a small amount of data. We also develop a model-based approach for optimizing time schedules to reduce interaction rates with the environment while maintaining the near-optimal performance, which is not possible for model-free methods. We experimentally demonstrate the efficacy of our methods across various continuous-time domains.
Accelerating Reinforcement Learning through GPU Atari Emulation
We introduce CuLE (CUDA Learning Environment), a CUDA port of the Atari Learning Environment (ALE) which is used for the development of deep reinforcement algorithms. CuLE overcomes many limitations of existing CPU-based emulators and scales naturally to multiple GPUs. It leverages GPU parallelization to run thousands of games simultaneously and it renders frames directly on the GPU, to avoid the bottleneck arising from the limited CPU-GPU communication bandwidth. CuLE generates up to 155M frames per hour on a single GPU, a finding previously achieved only through a cluster of CPUs. Beyond highlighting the differences between CPU and GPU emulators in the context of reinforcement learning, we show how to leverage the high throughput of CuLE by effective batching of the training data, and show accelerated convergence for A2C V-trace.
Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning of Partially Observable Markov Games
This paper considers the challenging tasks of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) under partial observability, where each agent only sees her own individual observations and actions that reveal incomplete information about the underlying state of system. This paper studies these tasks under the general model of multiplayer general-sum Partially Observable Markov Games (POMGs), which is significantly larger than the standard model of Imperfect Information Extensive-Form Games (IIEFGs). We identify a rich subclass of POMGs---weakly revealing POMGs---in which sample-efficient learning is tractable. In the self-play setting, we prove that a simple algorithm combining optimism and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is sufficient to find approximate Nash equilibria, correlated equilibria, as well as coarse correlated equilibria of weakly revealing POMGs, in a polynomial number of samples when the number of agents is small. In the setting of playing against adversarial opponents, we show that a variant of our optimistic MLE algorithm is capable of achieving sublinear regret when being compared against the optimal maximin policies.
Why So Pessimistic? Estimating Uncertainties for Offline RL through Ensembles, and Why Their Independence Matters
Motivated by the success of ensembles for uncertainty estimation in supervised learning, we take a renewed look at how ensembles of Q -functions can be leveraged as the primary source of pessimism for offline reinforcement learning (RL). We begin by identifying a critical flaw in a popular algorithmic choice used by many ensemble-based RL algorithms, namely the use of shared pessimistic target values when computing each ensemble member's Bellman error. Through theoretical analyses and construction of examples in toy MDPs, we demonstrate that shared pessimistic targets can paradoxically lead to value estimates that are effectively optimistic. Given this result, we propose MSG, a practical offline RL algorithm that trains an ensemble of Q -functions with independently computed targets based on completely separate networks, and optimizes a policy with respect to the lower confidence bound of predicted action values. Our experiments on the popular D4RL and RL Unplugged offline RL benchmarks demonstrate that on challenging domains such as antmazes, MSG with deep ensembles surpasses highly well-tuned state-of-the-art methods by a wide margin.
Can Temporal-Difference and Q-Learning Learn Representation? A Mean-Field Theory
Temporal-difference and Q-learning play a key role in deep reinforcement learning, where they are empowered by expressive nonlinear function approximators such as neural networks. At the core of their empirical successes is the learned feature representation, which embeds rich observations, e.g., images and texts, into the latent space that encodes semantic structures. Meanwhile, the evolution of such a feature representation is crucial to the convergence of temporal-difference and Q-learning. In particular, temporal-difference learning converges when the function approximator is linear in a feature representation, which is fixed throughout learning, and possibly diverges otherwise. We aim to answer the following questions: When the function approximator is a neural network, how does the associated feature representation evolve?
MoCoDA: Model-based Counterfactual Data Augmentation
The number of states in a dynamic process is exponential in the number of objects, making reinforcement learning (RL) difficult in complex, multi-object domains. For agents to scale to the real world, they will need to react to and reason about unseen combinations of objects. We argue that the ability to recognize and use local factorization in transition dynamics is a key element in unlocking the power of multi-object reasoning. To this end, we show that (1) known local structure in the environment transitions is sufficient for an exponential reduction in the sample complexity of training a dynamics model, and (2) a locally factored dynamics model provably generalizes out-of-distribution to unseen states and actions. Knowing the local structure also allows us to predict which unseen states and actions this dynamics model will generalize to.
A new convergent variant of Q-learning with linear function approximation
In this work, we identify a novel set of conditions that ensure convergence with probability 1 of Q-learning with linear function approximation, by proposing a two time-scale variation thereof. In the faster time scale, the algorithm features an update similar to that of DQN, where the impact of bootstrapping is attenuated by using a Q-value estimate akin to that of the target network in DQN. The slower time-scale, in turn, can be seen as a modified target network update. We establish the convergence of our algorithm, provide an error bound and discuss our results in light of existing convergence results on reinforcement learning with function approximation. Finally, we illustrate the convergent behavior of our method in domains where standard Q-learning has previously been shown to diverge.