Federated Learning with Uncertainty and Personalization via Efficient Second-order Optimization
Pal, Shivam, Gupta, Aishwarya, Sarwar, Saqib, Rai, Piyush
Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising method to collaboratively learn from decentralized and heterogeneous data available at different clients without the requirement of data ever leaving the clients. Recent works on FL have advocated taking a Bayesian approach to FL as it offers a principled way to account for the model and predictive uncertainty by learning a posterior distribution for the client and/or server models. Moreover, Bayesian FL also naturally enables personalization in FL to handle data heterogeneity across the different clients by having each client learn its own distinct personalized model. In particular, the hierarchical Bayesian approach enables all the clients to learn their personalized models while also taking into account the commonalities via a prior distribution provided by the server. However, despite their promise, Bayesian approaches for FL can be computationally expensive and can have high communication costs as well because of the requirement of computing and sending the posterior distributions. We present a novel Bayesian FL method using an efficient second-order optimization approach, with a computational cost that is similar to first-order optimization methods like Adam, but also provides the various benefits of the Bayesian approach for FL (e.g., uncertainty, personalization), while also being significantly more efficient and accurate than SOTA Bayesian FL methods (both for standard as well as personalized FL settings). Our method achieves improved predictive accuracies as well as better uncertainty estimates as compared to the baselines which include both optimization based as well as Bayesian FL methods.
How Does Variance Shape the Regret in Contextual Bandits?
Jia, Zeyu, Qian, Jian, Rakhlin, Alexander, Wei, Chen-Yu
We consider realizable contextual bandits with general function approximation, investigating how small reward variance can lead to better-than-minimax regret bounds. Unlike in minimax bounds, we show that the eluder dimension $d_\text{elu}$$-$a complexity measure of the function class$-$plays a crucial role in variance-dependent bounds. We consider two types of adversary: (1) Weak adversary: The adversary sets the reward variance before observing the learner's action. In this setting, we prove that a regret of $\Omega(\sqrt{\min\{A,d_\text{elu}\}\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$ is unavoidable when $d_{\text{elu}}\leq\sqrt{AT}$, where $A$ is the number of actions, $T$ is the total number of rounds, and $\Lambda$ is the total variance over $T$ rounds. For the $A\leq d_\text{elu}$ regime, we derive a nearly matching upper bound $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{A\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$ for the special case where the variance is revealed at the beginning of each round. (2) Strong adversary: The adversary sets the reward variance after observing the learner's action. We show that a regret of $\Omega(\sqrt{d_\text{elu}\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$ is unavoidable when $\sqrt{d_\text{elu}\Lambda}+d_\text{elu}\leq\sqrt{AT}$. In this setting, we provide an upper bound of order $\tilde{O}(d_\text{elu}\sqrt{\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$. Furthermore, we examine the setting where the function class additionally provides distributional information of the reward, as studied by Wang et al. (2024). We demonstrate that the regret bound $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{d_\text{elu}\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$ established in their work is unimprovable when $\sqrt{d_{\text{elu}}\Lambda}+d_\text{elu}\leq\sqrt{AT}$. However, with a slightly different definition of the total variance and with the assumption that the reward follows a Gaussian distribution, one can achieve a regret of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{A\Lambda}+d_\text{elu})$.
Probabilistic size-and-shape functional mixed models
Wang, Fangyi, Bharath, Karthik, Chkrebtii, Oksana, Kurtek, Sebastian
The reliable recovery and uncertainty quantification of a fixed effect function $\mu$ in a functional mixed model, for modelling population- and object-level variability in noisily observed functional data, is a notoriously challenging task: variations along the $x$ and $y$ axes are confounded with additive measurement error, and cannot in general be disentangled. The question then as to what properties of $\mu$ may be reliably recovered becomes important. We demonstrate that it is possible to recover the size-and-shape of a square-integrable $\mu$ under a Bayesian functional mixed model. The size-and-shape of $\mu$ is a geometric property invariant to a family of space-time unitary transformations, viewed as rotations of the Hilbert space, that jointly transform the $x$ and $y$ axes. A random object-level unitary transformation then captures size-and-shape \emph{preserving} deviations of $\mu$ from an individual function, while a random linear term and measurement error capture size-and-shape \emph{altering} deviations. The model is regularized by appropriate priors on the unitary transformations, posterior summaries of which may then be suitably interpreted as optimal data-driven rotations of a fixed orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space. Our numerical experiments demonstrate utility of the proposed model, and superiority over the current state-of-the-art.
Learning via Surrogate PAC-Bayes
Picard-Weibel, Antoine, Moscoviz, Roman, Guedj, Benjamin
PAC-Bayes learning is a comprehensive setting for (i) studying the generalisation ability of learning algorithms and (ii) deriving new learning algorithms by optimising a generalisation bound. However, optimising generalisation bounds might not always be viable for tractable or computational reasons, or both. For example, iteratively querying the empirical risk might prove computationally expensive. In response, we introduce a novel principled strategy for building an iterative learning algorithm via the optimisation of a sequence of surrogate training objectives, inherited from PAC-Bayes generalisation bounds. The key argument is to replace the empirical risk (seen as a function of hypotheses) in the generalisation bound by its projection onto a constructible low dimensional functional space: these projections can be queried much more efficiently than the initial risk. On top of providing that generic recipe for learning via surrogate PAC-Bayes bounds, we (i) contribute theoretical results establishing that iteratively optimising our surrogates implies the optimisation of the original generalisation bounds, (ii) instantiate this strategy to the framework of meta-learning, introducing a meta-objective offering a closed form expression for meta-gradient, (iii) illustrate our approach with numerical experiments inspired by an industrial biochemical problem.
Generative Intervention Models for Causal Perturbation Modeling
Schneider, Nora, Lorch, Lars, Kilbertus, Niki, Schรถlkopf, Bernhard, Krause, Andreas
We consider the problem of predicting perturbation effects via causal models. In many applications, it is a priori unknown which mechanisms of a system are modified by an external perturbation, even though the features of the perturbation are available. For example, in genomics, some properties of a drug may be known, but not their causal effects on the regulatory pathways of cells. We propose a generative intervention model (GIM) that learns to map these perturbation features to distributions over atomic interventions in a jointly-estimated causal model. Contrary to prior approaches, this enables us to predict the distribution shifts of unseen perturbation features while gaining insights about their mechanistic effects in the underlying data-generating process. On synthetic data and scRNA-seq drug perturbation data, GIMs achieve robust out-of-distribution predictions on par with unstructured approaches, while effectively inferring the underlying perturbation mechanisms, often better than other causal inference methods.
Indiscriminate Disruption of Conditional Inference on Multivariate Gaussians
Caballero, William N., LaRosa, Matthew, Fisher, Alexander, Tarokh, Vahid
The multivariate Gaussian distribution underpins myriad operations-research, decision-analytic, and machine-learning models (e.g., Bayesian optimization, Gaussian influence diagrams, and variational autoencoders). However, despite recent advances in adversarial machine learning (AML), inference for Gaussian models in the presence of an adversary is notably understudied. Therefore, we consider a self-interested attacker who wishes to disrupt a decisionmaker's conditional inference and subsequent actions by corrupting a set of evidentiary variables. To avoid detection, the attacker also desires the attack to appear plausible wherein plausibility is determined by the density of the corrupted evidence. We consider white- and grey-box settings such that the attacker has complete and incomplete knowledge about the decisionmaker's underlying multivariate Gaussian distribution, respectively. Select instances are shown to reduce to quadratic and stochastic quadratic programs, and structural properties are derived to inform solution methods. We assess the impact and efficacy of these attacks in three examples, including, real estate evaluation, interest rate estimation and signals processing. Each example leverages an alternative underlying model, thereby highlighting the attacks' broad applicability. Through these applications, we also juxtapose the behavior of the white- and grey-box attacks to understand how uncertainty and structure affect attacker behavior.
Accelerating Gaussian Variational Inference for Motion Planning Under Uncertainty
Chang, Zinuo, Yu, Hongzhe, Vela, Patricio, Chen, Yongxin
This work addresses motion planning under uncertainty as a stochastic optimal control problem. The path distribution induced by the optimal controller corresponds to a posterior path distribution with a known form. To approximate this posterior, we frame an optimization problem in the space of Gaussian distributions, which aligns with the Gaussian Variational Inference Motion Planning (GVIMP) paradigm introduced in \cite{yu2023gaussian}. In this framework, the computation bottleneck lies in evaluating the expectation of collision costs over a dense discretized trajectory and computing the marginal covariances. This work exploits the sparse motion planning factor graph, which allows for parallel computing collision costs and Gaussian Belief Propagation (GBP) marginal covariance computation, to introduce a computationally efficient approach to solving GVIMP. We term the novel paradigm as the Parallel Gaussian Variational Inference Motion Planning (P-GVIMP). We validate the proposed framework on various robotic systems, demonstrating significant speed acceleration achieved by leveraging Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for parallel computation. An open-sourced implementation is presented at https://github.com/hzyu17/VIMP.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inference of Marginalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Lai, Jinlin, Domke, Justin, Sheldon, Daniel
Bayesian reasoning in linear mixed-effects models (LMMs) is challenging and often requires advanced sampling techniques like Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). A common approach is to write the model in a probabilistic programming language and then sample via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). However, there are many ways a user can transform a model that make inference more or less efficient. In particular, marginalizing some variables can greatly improve inference but is difficult for users to do manually. We develop an algorithm to easily marginalize random effects in LMMs. A naive approach introduces cubic time operations within an inference algorithm like HMC, but we reduce the running time to linear using fast linear algebra techniques. We show that marginalization is always beneficial when applicable and highlight improvements in various models, especially ones from cognitive sciences.
Integration of Active Learning and MCMC Sampling for Efficient Bayesian Calibration of Mechanical Properties
Riccius, Leon, Rocha, Iuri B. C. M., Bierkens, Joris, Kekkonen, Hanne, van der Meer, Frans P.
Recent advancements in Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and surrogate modelling have significantly enhanced the feasibility of Bayesian analysis across engineering fields. However, the selection and integration of surrogate models and cutting-edge MCMC algorithms, often depend on ad-hoc decisions. A systematic assessment of their combined influence on analytical accuracy and efficiency is notably lacking. The present work offers a comprehensive comparative study, employing a scalable case study in computational mechanics focused on the inference of spatially varying material parameters, that sheds light on the impact of methodological choices for surrogate modelling and sampling. We show that a priori training of the surrogate model introduces large errors in the posterior estimation even in low to moderate dimensions. We introduce a simple active learning strategy based on the path of the MCMC algorithm that is superior to all a priori trained models, and determine its training data requirements. We demonstrate that the choice of the MCMC algorithm has only a small influence on the amount of training data but no significant influence on the accuracy of the resulting surrogate model. Further, we show that the accuracy of the posterior estimation largely depends on the surrogate model, but not even a tailored surrogate guarantees convergence of the MCMC.Finally, we identify the forward model as the bottleneck in the inference process, not the MCMC algorithm. While related works focus on employing advanced MCMC algorithms, we demonstrate that the training data requirements render the surrogate modelling approach infeasible before the benefits of these gradient-based MCMC algorithms on cheap models can be reaped.
Revised Regularization for Efficient Continual Learning through Correlation-Based Parameter Update in Bayesian Neural Networks
Palit, Sanchar, Banerjee, Biplab, Chaudhuri, Subhasis
We propose a Bayesian neural network-based continual learning algorithm using Variational Inference, aiming to overcome several drawbacks of existing methods. Specifically, in continual learning scenarios, storing network parameters at each step to retain knowledge poses challenges. This is compounded by the crucial need to mitigate catastrophic forgetting, particularly given the limited access to past datasets, which complicates maintaining correspondence between network parameters and datasets across all sessions. Current methods using Variational Inference with KL divergence risk catastrophic forgetting during uncertain node updates and coupled disruptions in certain nodes. To address these challenges, we propose the following strategies. To reduce the storage of the dense layer parameters, we propose a parameter distribution learning method that significantly reduces the storage requirements. In the continual learning framework employing variational inference, our study introduces a regularization term that specifically targets the dynamics and population of the mean and variance of the parameters. This term aims to retain the benefits of KL divergence while addressing related challenges. To ensure proper correspondence between network parameters and the data, our method introduces an importance-weighted Evidence Lower Bound term to capture data and parameter correlations. This enables storage of common and distinctive parameter hyperspace bases. The proposed method partitions the parameter space into common and distinctive subspaces, with conditions for effective backward and forward knowledge transfer, elucidating the network-parameter dataset correspondence. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method across diverse datasets and various combinations of sequential datasets, yielding superior performance compared to existing approaches.