Certified Robustness of Graph Convolution Networks for Graph Classification under Topological Attacks
Graph convolution networks (GCNs) have become effective models for graph classification. Similar to many deep networks, GCNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks on graph topology and node attributes. Recently, a number of effective attack and defense algorithms have been designed, but no certificate of robustness has been developed for GCN-based graph classification under topological perturbations with both local and global budgets. In this paper, we propose the first certificate for this problem. Our method is based on Lagrange dualization and convex envelope, which result in tight approximation bounds that are efficiently computable by dynamic programming. When used in conjunction with robust training, it allows an increased number of graphs to be certified as robust.
Novel Upper Bounds for the Constrained Most Probable Explanation Task
We propose several schemes for upper bounding the optimal value of the constrained most probable explanation (CMPE) problem. Given a set of discrete random variables, two probabilistic graphical models defined over them and a real number q, this problem involves finding an assignment of values to all the variables such that the probability of the assignment is maximized according to the first model and is bounded by q w.r.t. the second model. In prior work, it was shown that CMPE is a unifying problem with several applications and special cases including the nearest assignment problem, the decision preserving most probable explanation task and robust estimation. It was also shown that CMPE is NP-hard even on tractable models such as bounded treewidth networks and is hard for integer linear programming methods because it includes a dense global constraint. The main idea in our approach is to simplify the problem via Lagrange relaxation and decomposition to yield either a knapsack problem or the unconstrained most probable explanation (MPE) problem, and then solving the two problems, respectively using specialized knapsack algorithms and mini-buckets based upper bounding schemes. We evaluate our proposed scheme along several dimensions including quality of the bounds and computation time required on various benchmark graphical models and how it can be used to find heuristic, near-optimal feasible solutions in an example application pertaining to robust estimation and adversarial attacks on classifiers.
Blackbox Attacks via Surrogate Ensemble Search
Blackbox adversarial attacks can be categorized into transfer-and query-based attacks. Transfer methods do not require any feedback from the victim model, but provide lower success rates compared to query-based methods. Query attacks often require a large number of queries for success. To achieve the best of both approaches, recent efforts have tried to combine them, but still require hundreds of queries to achieve high success rates (especially for targeted attacks). In this paper, we propose a novel method for Blackbox Attacks via Surrogate Ensemble Search (BASES) that can generate highly successful blackbox attacks using an extremely small number of queries.
Conic Descent and its Application to Memory-efficient Optimization over Positive Semidefinite Matrices
We present an extension of the conditional gradient method to problems whose feasible sets are convex cones. We provide a convergence analysis for the method and for variants with nonconvex objectives, and we extend the analysis to practical cases with effective line search strategies. For the specific case of the positive semidefinite cone, we present a memory-efficient version based on randomized matrix sketches and advocate a heuristic greedy step that greatly improves its practical performance. Numerical results on phase retrieval and matrix completion problems indicate that our method can offer substantial advantages over traditional conditional gradient and Burer-Monteiro approaches.
Conic Descent and its Application to Memory-efficient Optimization over Positive Semidefinite Matrices
We present an extension of the conditional gradient method to problems whose feasible sets are convex cones. We provide a convergence analysis for the method and for variants with nonconvex objectives, and we extend the analysis to practical cases with effective line search strategies. For the specific case of the positive semidefinite cone, we present a memory-efficient version based on randomized matrix sketches and advocate a heuristic greedy step that greatly improves its practical performance. Numerical results on phase retrieval and matrix completion problems indicate that our method can offer substantial advantages over traditional conditional gradient and Burer-Monteiro approaches.
Israeli drone attack kills two in expanding occupied West Bank operation
An Israeli drone attack on a vehicle near the occupied West Bank town of Qabatiya has killed two people, the Palestinian Ministry of Health says on the fourth day of a large-scale Israeli operation in and around the nearby city of Jenin. The Israeli military said the air attack on Friday in the Jenin governorate hit a vehicle with what it said was a "terrorist cell" inside, but it gave no further details. The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that it was a drone attack that happened just before Israeli forces stormed Qabatiya and began "sweeping operations". The air attack coincided with the ongoing military operation against Palestinian fighters in Jenin and its adjacent refugee camp, which has already resulted in the deaths of 14 Palestinians and injured about 50 others, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry in Ramallah. The Israeli military also announced the arrests of 20 people it considers "wanted suspects" and said it had seized weapons.
Adversarial training for free!
Ali Shafahi, Mahyar Najibi, Mohammad Amin Ghiasi, Zheng Xu, John Dickerson, Christoph Studer, Larry S. Davis, Gavin Taylor, Tom Goldstein
Adversarial training, in which a network is trained on adversarial examples, is one of the few defenses against adversarial attacks that withstands strong attacks. Unfortunately, the high cost of generating strong adversarial examples makes standard adversarial training impractical on large-scale problems like ImageNet. We present an algorithm that eliminates the overhead cost of generating adversarial examples by recycling the gradient information computed when updating model parameters. Our "free" adversarial training algorithm achieves comparable robustness to PGD adversarial training on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets at negligible additional cost compared to natural training, and can be 7 to 30 times faster than other strong adversarial training methods. Using a single workstation with 4 P100 GPUs and 2 days of runtime, we can train a robust model for the large-scale ImageNet classification task that maintains 40% accuracy against PGD attacks.
Accelerating Certified Robustness Training via Knowledge Transfer
Training deep neural network classifiers that are certifiably robust against adversarial attacks is critical to ensuring the security and reliability of AI-controlled systems. Although numerous state-of-the-art certified training methods have been developed, they are computationally expensive and scale poorly with respect to both dataset and network complexity. Widespread usage of certified training is further hindered by the fact that periodic retraining is necessary to incorporate new data and network improvements. In this paper, we propose Certified Robustness Transfer (CRT), a general-purpose framework for reducing the computational overhead of any certifiably robust training method through knowledge transfer. Given a robust teacher, our framework uses a novel training loss to transfer the teacher's robustness to the student. We provide theoretical and empirical validation of CRT. Our experiments on CIFAR-10 show that CRT speeds up certified robustness training by 8 on average across three different architecture generations while achieving comparable robustness to state-of-the-art methods. We also show that CRT can scale to large-scale datasets like ImageNet.
Refining Language Models with Compositional Explanations
Pre-trained language models have been successful on text classification tasks, but are prone to learning spurious correlations from biased datasets, and are thus vulnerable when making inferences in a new domain. Prior work reveals such spurious patterns via post-hoc explanation algorithms which compute the importance of input features. Further, the model is regularized to align the importance scores with human knowledge, so that the unintended model behaviors are eliminated. However, such a regularization technique lacks flexibility and coverage, since only importance scores towards a pre-defined list of features are adjusted, while more complex human knowledge such as feature interaction and pattern generalization can hardly be incorporated. In this work, we propose to refine a learned language model for a target domain by collecting human-provided compositional explanations regarding observed biases. By parsing these explanations into executable logic rules, the human-specified refinement advice from a small set of explanations can be generalized to more training examples. We additionally introduce a regularization term allowing adjustments for both importance and interaction of features to better rectify model behavior.