
Collaborating Authors




J. International Computer Chess Association, 15 (1): 16-18.

A grandmaster chess machine


scientificamerican1090-44.pdf  -- requires permission Scientific American, 263 (4), 4-50.

Retrograde analysis of certain endgames


J. International Computer Chess Association, May, 131–139.

Knowledge-based problem-solving in AL3


A piece-of-advice suggests what goal should be achievednext while preserving some other condition. If this goal can be achieved in agiven problem-situation (e.g. a given chess position) then we say that the piece-ofadviceis 'satisfiable' in that position. In this way ALI makes it possible to breakthe whole problem of achieving an ultimate goal into a sequence of subproblems,each of them consisting of achievement of a subgoal prescribed by some pieceof-advice. The control structure which chooses what piece-of-advice to applynext consists of a set of 'advice-tables', each of them being specialized in acertain problem-subdomain.In Hayes, J. E., Michie, D., and Pao, Y.-H. (Eds.), Machine Intelligence 10. Ellis Horwood.

Belle chess hardware


In Clarke, M. R. B. (Ed.), Advances in Computer Chess 3, pp. 45–54. Pergamon.

An analysis of minimax


In Clarke, M. R. B. (Ed.), Advances in Computer Chess 2, pp. 103-109. Edinburgh University Press

An analysis of minimax


In Clarke, M. R. B. (Ed.), Advances in Computer Chess 2, pp. 103-109. Edinburgh University Press

The computer chess revolution


Chess Life and Review (February):84-85.

A chronology of computer chess and its literature


It can be seen that a great deal of worthwhile material has now been generated about computer chess. There is also quite a bit of nonsense by persons who have never built a program. Several groups with excellent programs have done little publishing, although I can hardly blame them since their work requires much time and is usually unsupported by any funding agencies. Certain staples have given rise to duplication: All but one of the books published explain the depth-first alpha-beta procedure. We expect that by far the largest portion of our readers will be scientists interested in updating their knowledge of the subject.