Fuzzy Logic: Instructional Materials
Model- and Data-Based Control of Self-Balancing Robots: Practical Educational Approach with LabVIEW and Arduino
Abdelgawad, Abdelrahman, Shohdy, Tarek, Nada, Ayman
A two-wheeled self-balancing robot (TWSBR) is non-linear and unstable system. This study compares the performance of model-based and data-based control strategies for TWSBRs, with an explicit practical educational approach. Model-based control (MBC) algorithms such as Lead-Lag and PID control require a proficient dynamic modeling and mathematical manipulation to drive the linearized equations of motions and develop the appropriate controller. On the other side, data-based control (DBC) methods, like fuzzy control, provide a simpler and quicker approach to designing effective controllers without needing in-depth understanding of the system model. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of both MBC and DBC using a TWSBR are illustrated. All controllers were implemented and tested on the OSOYOO self-balancing kit, including an Arduino microcontroller, MPU-6050 sensor, and DC motors. The control law and the user interface are constructed using the LabVIEW-LINX toolkit. A real-time hardware-in-loop experiment validates the results, highlighting controllers that can be implemented on a cost-effective platform.
Fuzzy Intelligent System for Student Software Project Evaluation
Ogorodova, Anna, Shamoi, Pakizar, Karatayev, Aron
Developing software projects allows students to put knowledge into practice and gain teamwork skills. However, assessing student performance in project-oriented courses poses significant challenges, particularly as the size of classes increases. The current paper introduces a fuzzy intelligent system designed to evaluate academic software projects using object-oriented programming and design course as an example. To establish evaluation criteria, we first conducted a survey of student project teams (n=31) and faculty (n=3) to identify key parameters and their applicable ranges. The selected criteria - clean code, use of inheritance, and functionality - were selected as essential for assessing the quality of academic software projects. These criteria were then represented as fuzzy variables with corresponding fuzzy sets. Collaborating with three experts, including one professor and two course instructors, we defined a set of fuzzy rules for a fuzzy inference system. This system processes the input criteria to produce a quantifiable measure of project success. The system demonstrated promising results in automating the evaluation of projects. Our approach standardizes project evaluations and helps to reduce the subjective bias in manual grading.
Machine Intelligence in Africa: a survey
Tapo, Allahsera Auguste, Traore, Ali, Danioko, Sidy, Tembine, Hamidou
In the last 5 years, the availability of large audio datasets in African countries has opened unlimited opportunities to build machine intelligence (MI) technologies that are closer to the people and speak, learn, understand, and do businesses in local languages, including for those who cannot read and write. Unfortunately, these audio datasets are not fully exploited by current MI tools, leaving several Africans out of MI business opportunities. Additionally, many state-of-the-art MI models are not culture-aware, and the ethics of their adoption indexes are questionable. The lack thereof is a major drawback in many applications in Africa. This paper summarizes recent developments in machine intelligence in Africa from a multi-layer multiscale and culture-aware ethics perspective, showcasing MI use cases in 54 African countries through 400 articles on MI research, industry, government actions, as well as uses in art, music, the informal economy, and small businesses in Africa. The survey also opens discussions on the reliability of MI rankings and indexes in the African continent as well as algorithmic definitions of unclear terms used in MI.
Global Optimization with Parametric Function Approximation
We consider the problem of global optimization with noisy zeroth order oracles - a well-motivated problem useful for various applications ranging from hyper-parameter tuning for deep learning to new material design. Existing work relies on Gaussian processes or other non-parametric family, which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm GO-UCB that leverages a parametric family of functions (e.g., neural networks) instead. Under a realizable assumption and a few other mild geometric conditions, we show that GO-UCB achieves a cumulative regret of \~O$(\sqrt{T})$ where $T$ is the time horizon. At the core of GO-UCB is a carefully designed uncertainty set over parameters based on gradients that allows optimistic exploration. Synthetic and real-world experiments illustrate GO-UCB works better than popular Bayesian optimization approaches, even if the model is misspecified.
What can online reinforcement learning with function approximation benefit from general coverage conditions?
Liu, Fanghui, Viano, Luca, Cevher, Volkan
In online reinforcement learning (RL), instead of employing standard structural assumptions on Markov decision processes (MDPs), using a certain coverage condition (original from offline RL) is enough to ensure sample-efficient guarantees (Xie et al. 2023). In this work, we focus on this new direction by digging more possible and general coverage conditions, and study the potential and the utility of them in efficient online RL. We identify more concepts, including the $L^p$ variant of concentrability, the density ratio realizability, and trade-off on the partial/rest coverage condition, that can be also beneficial to sample-efficient online RL, achieving improved regret bound. Furthermore, if exploratory offline data are used, under our coverage conditions, both statistically and computationally efficient guarantees can be achieved for online RL. Besides, even though the MDP structure is given, e.g., linear MDP, we elucidate that, good coverage conditions are still beneficial to obtain faster regret bound beyond $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ and even a logarithmic order regret. These results provide a good justification for the usage of general coverage conditions in efficient online RL.
Learning policies for resource allocation in business processes
Middelhuis, J., Bianco, R. Lo, Scherzer, E., Bukhsh, Z. A., Adan, I. J. B. F., Dijkman, R. M.
Resource allocation is the assignment of resources to activities that must be executed in a business process at a particular moment at run-time. While resource allocation is well-studied in other fields, such as manufacturing, there exist only a few methods in business process management. Existing methods are not suited for application in large business processes or focus on optimizing resource allocation for a single case rather than for all cases combined. To fill this gap, this paper proposes two learning-based methods for resource allocation in business processes: a deep reinforcement learning-based approach and a score-based value function approximation approach. The two methods are compared against existing heuristics in a set of scenarios that represent typical business process structures and on a complete network that represents a realistic business process. The results show that our learning-based methods outperform or are competitive with common heuristics in most scenarios and outperform heuristics in the complete network.
Improved Regret for Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation
Sherman, Uri, Koren, Tomer, Mansour, Yishay
Reinforcement Learning (RL; Sutton and Barto, 2018; Mannor et al., 2022) studies online decision making problems in which an agent learns through experience within a dynamic environment, with the goal to minimize a loss function associated with the agent-environment interaction. Modern applications of RL such as robotics(Schulman et al., 2015; Lillicrap et al., 2015; Akkaya et al., 2019), game playing (Mnih et al., 2013; Silver et al., 2018) and autonomous driving (Kiran et al., 2021), almost invariably consist of large scale environments where function approximation techniques are necessary to allow the agent to generalize across different states. Furthermore, some form of agent robustness is usually required to cope with environment irregularities that cannot be faithfully represented by stochasticity assumptions (see e.g., Dulac-Arnold et al., 2021). Theoretical foundations for RL with function approximation (e.g., Jiang et al., 2017; Yang and Wang, 2019; Jin et al., 2020b; Agarwal et al., 2020) have been steadily coming into fruition.
The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Fuzzy Logic in Python
Understand the basic theory and implement fuzzy systems with skfuzzy library! Fuzzy Logic is a technique that can be used to model the human reasoning process in computers. It can be applied to several areas, such as: industrial automation, medicine, marketing, home automation, among others. A classic example is the use in industrial equipments, which can have the temperature automatically adjusted as the equipment heats up or cools down. Other examples of equipments are: vacuum cleaners (adjustment of suction power according to the surface and level of dirt), dishwashers and clothes washing machines (adjustment of the amount of water and soap to use), digital cameras (automatic focus setting), air conditioning (temperature setting according to the environment), and microwave (power adjustment according to the type of food).
Dominance-based Rough Set Approach, basic ideas and main trends
Błaszczyński, Jerzy, Greco, Salvatore, Matarazzo, Benedetto, Szeląg, Marcin
Among the many merits of Roman Słowiński in his so long and so rich scientific carrier, we have to consider his pioneering approach to the use of artificial intelligence methodologies to decision support, and, in particular, to Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) (for an updated state of the art see [48]). In this perspective, the proposal and the development of the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) is a cornerstone in the domain. The DRSA basic idea of a decision support procedure based on a decision model expressed in natural language and obtained from simple preference information in terms of exemplary decisions has attracted the interest of experts and it is now considered one of the three main approaches to MCDA, together with the classical Multiple Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) [58] and the outranking approach [75]. In fact, DRSA is not a mere application to MCDA of concepts and tools already proposed and developed in the domain of artificial intelligence, knowledge discovery, data mining and machine learning. Indeed, consideration of preference orders typical for MCDA problems required a reformulation of many important concepts and methodologies, so that DRSA became a methodology viable and interesting per se also in these domains. Consequently, after more or less 25 years from the proposal of DRSA, we try to present a first assessment taking into consideration the basic ideas and the main developments.
Fuzzy Logic isn't often mentioned in the same room as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Pardon the pun, but most people find the idea of fuzzy logic to be fuzzy. However fuzzy logic has been working behind the scenes and bringing forth amazing technological advances for more than two decades. Fuzzy logic is a rule-based system that can rely on the practical experience of a data scientist or an expert. Fuzzy logic is a form of artificial intelligence, thus it is considered a subset of AI. Since it is performing a form of decision making, it can be included as a member of the AI family which includes Machine Learning and Deep Learning.