
Collaborating Authors

 Statistical Learning

On the Power of Differentiable Learning versus PAC and SQ Learning Emmanuel Abbe

Neural Information Processing Systems

We study the power of learning via mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on the population loss, and batch Gradient Descent (GD) on the empirical loss, of a differentiable model or neural network, and ask what learning problems can be learnt using these paradigms. We show that SGD and GD can always simulate learning with statistical queries (SQ), but their ability to go beyond that depends on the precision ฯ of the gradient calculations relative to the minibatch size b (for SGD) and sample size m (for GD). With fine enough precision relative to minibatch size, namely when bฯ is small enough, SGD can go beyond SQ learning and simulate any sample-based learning algorithm and thus its learning power is equivalent to that of PAC learning; this extends prior work that achieved this result for b = 1. Similarly, with fine enough precision relative to the sample size m, GD can also simulate any sample-based learning algorithm based on m samples. In particular, with polynomially many bits of precision (i.e. when ฯ is exponentially small), SGD and GD can both simulate PAC learning regardless of the mini-batch size.

On the Power of Differentiable Learning versus PAC and SQ Learning Emmanuel Abbe

Neural Information Processing Systems

We study the power of learning via mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on the population loss, and batch Gradient Descent (GD) on the empirical loss, of a differentiable model or neural network, and ask what learning problems can be learnt using these paradigms. We show that SGD and GD can always simulate learning with statistical queries (SQ), but their ability to go beyond that depends on the precision ฯ of the gradient calculations relative to the minibatch size b (for SGD) and sample size m (for GD). With fine enough precision relative to minibatch size, namely when bฯ is small enough, SGD can go beyond SQ learning and simulate any sample-based learning algorithm and thus its learning power is equivalent to that of PAC learning; this extends prior work that achieved this result for b = 1. Similarly, with fine enough precision relative to the sample size m, GD can also simulate any sample-based learning algorithm based on m samples. In particular, with polynomially many bits of precision (i.e. when ฯ is exponentially small), SGD and GD can both simulate PAC learning regardless of the mini-batch size.

A Additional Background

Neural Information Processing Systems

In each subproblem of Tucker HOOI, the feasible region C contains matrices with the rank constraint, as is shown in (2.2).

Fast and Accurate Randomized Algorithms for Low-rank Tensor Decompositions

Neural Information Processing Systems

Low-rank Tucker and CP tensor decompositions are powerful tools in data analytics. The widely used alternating least squares (ALS) method, which solves a sequence of over-determined least squares subproblems, is costly for large and sparse tensors. We propose a fast and accurate sketched ALS algorithm for Tucker decomposition, which solves a sequence of sketched rank-constrained linear least squares subproblems. Theoretical sketch size upper bounds are provided to achieve O(ษ›) relative error for each subproblem with two sketching techniques, TensorSketch and leverage score sampling. Experimental results show that this new ALS algorithm, combined with a new initialization scheme based on the randomized range finder, yields decomposition accuracy comparable to the standard higher-order orthogonal iteration (HOOI) algorithm. The new algorithm achieves up to 22.0% relative decomposition residual improvement compared to the state-of-the-art sketched randomized algorithm for Tucker decomposition of various synthetic and real datasets. This Tucker-ALS algorithm is further used to accelerate CP decomposition, by using randomized Tucker compression followed by CP decomposition of the Tucker core tensor. Experimental results show that this algorithm not only converges faster, but also yields more accurate CP decompositions.

Global Convergence and Stability of Stochastic Gradient Descent

Neural Information Processing Systems

In machine learning, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is widely deployed to train models using highly non-convex objectives with equally complex noise models. Unfortunately, SGD theory often makes restrictive assumptions that fail to capture the non-convexity of real problems, and almost entirely ignore the complex noise models that exist in practice. In this work, we demonstrate the restrictiveness of these assumptions using three canonical models in machine learning. Then, we develop novel theory to address this shortcoming in two ways. First, we establish that SGD's iterates will either globally converge to a stationary point or diverge under nearly arbitrary nonconvexity and noise models. Under a slightly more restrictive assumption on the joint behavior of the non-convexity and noise model that generalizes current assumptions in the literature, we show that the objective function cannot diverge, even if the iterates diverge. As a consequence of our results, SGD can be applied to a greater range of stochastic optimization problems with confidence about its global convergence behavior and stability.

One Loss for All: Deep Hashing with a Single Cosine Similarity based Learning Objective

Neural Information Processing Systems

A deep hashing model typically has two main learning objectives: to make the learned binary hash codes discriminative and to minimize a quantization error. With further constraints such as bit balance and code orthogonality, it is not uncommon for existing models to employ a large number (>4) of losses. This leads to difficulties in model training and subsequently impedes their effectiveness. In this work, we propose a novel deep hashing model with only a single learning objective. Specifically, we show that maximizing the cosine similarity between the continuous codes and their corresponding binary orthogonal codes can ensure both hash code discriminativeness and quantization error minimization. Further, with this learning objective, code balancing can be achieved by simply using a Batch Normalization (BN) layer and multi-label classification is also straightforward with label smoothing. The result is an one-loss deep hashing model that removes all the hassles of tuning the weights of various losses. Importantly, extensive experiments show that our model is highly effective, outperforming the state-of-the-art multi-loss hashing models on three large-scale instance retrieval benchmarks, often by significant margins.

Jeffrey Pennington Google Research, Brain

Neural Information Processing Systems

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a pillar of modern machine learning, serving as the go-to optimization algorithm for a diverse array of problems. While the empirical success of SGD is often attributed to its computational efficiency and favorable generalization behavior, neither effect is well understood and disentangling them remains an open problem. Even in the simple setting of convex quadratic problems, worst-case analyses give an asymptotic convergence rate for SGD that is no better than full-batch gradient descent (GD), and the purported implicit regularization effects of SGD lack a precise explanation. In this work, we study the dynamics of multi-pass SGD on high-dimensional convex quadratics and establish an asymptotic equivalence to a stochastic differential equation, which we call homogenized stochastic gradient descent (HSGD), whose solutions we characterize explicitly in terms of a Volterra integral equation. These results yield precise formulas for the learning and risk trajectories, which reveal a mechanism of implicit conditioning that explains the efficiency of SGD relative to GD. We also prove that the noise from SGD negatively impacts generalization performance, ruling out the possibility of any type of implicit regularization in this context. Finally, we show how to adapt the HSGD formalism to include streaming SGD, which allows us to produce an exact prediction for the excess risk of multi-pass SGD relative to that of streaming SGD (bootstrap risk).

Distributionally Robust Optimization via Ball Oracle Acceleration

Neural Information Processing Systems

We develop and analyze algorithms for distributionally robust optimization (DRO) of convex losses. In particular, we consider group-structured and bounded f-divergence uncertainty sets. Our approach relies on an accelerated method that queries a ball optimization oracle, i.e., a subroutine that minimizes the objective within a small ball around the query point. Our main contribution is efficient implementations of this oracle for DRO objectives.

Distributionally Robust Optimization via Ball Oracle Acceleration

Neural Information Processing Systems

We develop and analyze algorithms for distributionally robust optimization (DRO) of convex losses. In particular, we consider group-structured and bounded f-divergence uncertainty sets. Our approach relies on an accelerated method that queries a ball optimization oracle, i.e., a subroutine that minimizes the objective within a small ball around the query point. Our main contribution is efficient implementations of this oracle for DRO objectives.